четверг, 16 января 2020 г.


I wanted to have it ready for christmas, but I couldn't manage with the times, so enjoy this trailer. Can you guess where this plane is from? I've been some months away from Mugen, but I've returned, and with a new character released! My newest character, Crash Bandicoot, has been released: You surely were NOT expecting this https: Just procrastinating a bit: Creo que es la primera vez que hago algo tan rapido, pero bueno. fg msasuke by mgssj2

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Personaje terminado en 2 semanas.

Can you guess who it is? Esten atentos a novedades estos dias! MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.

Expect a release soon.

FG-MSasuke by MGSSJ2

Expect some news these days! My next character for You surely were NOT expecting fb https: But anyways, a big thank you to everyone that downloaded this character!

Email ou telefone Senha Esqueceu a conta?

Can you guess where this plane is from? Not a Christmas gift, but a preview of what's to come! Just procrastinating a bit: Yume Nikki si que cambia la vida de uno?


Nightmares may have been closer than you expected msasukw My newest character, Crash Bandicoot, has been released: I really hope you enjoy this one, let's all join the N-Sane Trilogy hype! Were you expecting this? My new character will be released in the next 48 hours: Anyways, I couldn't finish that epic stuff in time, so this'll have to wait a few more days.

Get ready to shit your pants October 1st!

fg msasuke by mgssj2

And my Gumball video reached k views. Took me a few years, huh?

Naruto (Mugen) - Itachi all special moves

Download link is in the video description: You probably didn't even realize this was in the char: I'm glad I could return something good to the Mugen community that bh me so much fun years ago: As always, a big shoutout to my friend Matt I hope you enjoy this one.

P I've left the project aside for some months but I won't quit I've been some months away from Mugen, mxasuke I've returned, and with a new character released!

fg msasuke by mgssj2

Did you ever hear the joke about that one dude who thought september had 31 days? Something epic is on it's way.

Creo que es la primera vez que hago algo tan rapido, pero bueno. I wanted fy have it ready for christmas, but I couldn't manage with the times, so enjoy this trailer. Work on Link has been resumed!

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