воскресенье, 12 января 2020 г.


The app also has the ability to make suggestions about what sort of files are either unnecessary or duplicated, and it can convey the amount of total free space available in a system even if it hasn't been optimized. Treemaps are a graphic presentation of complex directory hierarchies showing folders and files as a series of nested rectangles. It also provides fast access to this operations through system tray icon. Cons somewhat slow to scan all directories but worth the wait. The program is fast, efficient, and runs exceptionally smoothly considering it is so functional. Gives you quick information about what folders take up space on your harddisk like nothing else around. spacemonger 1.4 free

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RegEditX is an application that makes your registry editing more productive than ever. Spacemonger is a program that was designed to help users clean up their computers. Spacemonger only starts off as a free trial, but it has the ability to remove unnecessary files gree optimize storage. Promote cracked software, or other illegal content.

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I do NOT mean the application is sensitive to the Windows Version, I mean that when I bought a new Windows 7 machine and downloaded SpaceMonger I expected it to be the fres as the previous, spacemonyer now the app spacemomger trialware. One of the great things about SpaceMonger is that the programme colour codes files and folders of the same type. Additionally, the download manager may offer you optional spafemonger such as an online translator, online backup, search bar, pc health kit and an entertainment application.

My, don't you have a lot of files! Summary This is the stuff that gives Shareware a good name! Pros Gives you quick information about what folders take up space on your harddisk like nothing else around. The author has created a shareware prog called DriveCrypt so Scramdisk is no longer in development. Users are then presented with a percentage of how much space they have available in total on their computer so that they can decide whether or spacemonber to delete certain items to provide them with extra storage space if they need it.

In English Program license: SpaceMonger is a utilitarian software that aims to optimize your computer's use of disk space. Cons Can't think of any. Wait patiently while the program collects statistics on your drive. They will be moved to the Recycle Bin.

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Home shareware Download kB. The relative amount of space consumed by a folder or file is reflected by the size of the rectangle.

SpaceMonger - Free download and software reviews - CNET

CONS Only a trail version. The user interface is a little difficult. Cons somewhat slow to scan all directories but worth the wait. Note that your submission may not appear immediately on our site. Your message has been reported and will be reviewed by our staff.

ScramDisk, SpaceMonger, Switch Off, XYplorer, RegEditX, ClipGuru, Steel RunAs

SpaceMonger is a tool for keeping track of the free space on your computer. May be my new favorite. It will scan for minutes, then just show me one 7.

Each file or folder on a given drive is displayed in a box in the main window whose size is a relative comparison to all the fref files in your system. This allows the user to get a comprehensive image of how well his or her computer is performing with the resources at its disposal.

SpaceMonger 1.4

This site is not directly affiliated with Werkema. Scanner Utility to help scan in documents in various file formats. This is a free trial of a programme that can be used to keep track of the amount of available free space and clean away unnecessary debris.

At the bottom of this page you spacemojger find a few helpful instructions for using it if you need them. Utility has fully customizeable Web interface, that allows you to initiate operations mentioned above remotely from any computer with web browser installed.

You can zoom in as many times as you want.

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