понедельник, 13 января 2020 г.


Ravidass says that a person shall take refuge in a true Guru otherwise he has to suffer while indulging in partial meditation. The worship is some thing else and peculiar. In this congregation, the Amritbani of Guru Ravidass was declared the religious Granth of the newly formed Ravidassia Religion. But when the same drop of rain falls into an open sea-shell then it transforms into a pearl. They are very fortunate who perform meditation and fix their attention upon God. Therefore, a humble shrub has become a lofty tree. vishvas meditation mp3

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They are engaged in self-praise. According to yoga, you do not concentrate on the three wind passages and recite the name of God. My companions such as organs of action and sense organs are under influence of pride and do not obey my wishes.

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I do not rejoice to listen to the Veds and Purans in this state of spiritual ecstasy. Ravidass says, death has plundered the whole world but I have escaped by repeating the name of one God. With a view to achieving this target, Guru Ravidass faced so many difficulties throughout his life.

Our companions are going; we medltation must have to go; the journey is long. You may also find apps with this information for your electronic device. Your slave is bound by the rope of Visbvas love. I still suffer misery for the removal of which I worship You, O God. Hi Guest Login Register. Poison and ambrosia dwell together.

But these attacks on his life could not deter Guru Ravidass from performing meditation of his Madhav, the God. Lakhs of devotees from India and abroad were present on the auspicious occasion.

God resides in all hearts. You endeavour to know the omnipresent God and remember His name.

Vishvas Meditation - Audio Gallery

Therefore, service performed by you has become fruitless. I have not mediattion my sovereign God, says Ravidass, a tanner. I lit the lamp of knowledge which has eradicated the darkness of ignorance. Now I am defeated. We are the poor worms who toil and make it. Ravidass says O God!

We say one thing, and do another. I have been singing in praise of God. So many Kings, Queens and other noble, rich and prominent persons of the country became disciples of Guru Ravidass. I have established loving relations with the True Actor i.

This method of learning is elaborately discussed in his hymns. In this congregation, the Amritbani of Guru Ravidass was declared the religious Granth of the newly formed Ravidassia Religion.

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Only then you can achieve God and medihation this birth fruitful. What shall I sing? To control your senses to practise ascetic exercises or observe fast cannot be called worship.

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Guru Ravidass was the first Guru of the era who accepted women folk as his disciples. I wash his feet and offer my mind, body and wealth to him. Without seeing Your face my soul is suffering pang of separation.

It is a very natural process- a direct approach to the mind. Performing rituals is not the worship of God. You remain occupied in enjoying the false happiness of sexual desires.

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